Each time you need to know the price of any of our services, please reference to this list and look for the item you need. If there's anything aside from what's included here or you are not sure about a price or service category, please do not hesitate to reach out to the team to confirm.
General Labour – $50/hr
This would apply to basic content adjustments, the setup of area pages, migrating blog posts from an old site, and general 'data entry' type tasks that are mostly characterized by copy/paste style work.
Custom Design - $150/hr
This is our general ‘design’ rate that includes custom design work on existing pages.
Custom Interior Page - $350 flat rate + up
This service includes new custom page creations done by our designers. Most interior pages will fall under the default flat rate, and for more complex designs, we may be required to quote extra.
Cost for Commonly Requested Tasks
IDX Switch – $100-$150
If your site has a large number of area pages we'll need to quote extra. If you need saved searches recreated in a new IDX, our Data Entry rate will apply.
Additional Storage Space – $5/mo per additional GB of space
Sites come default with 1GB of storage space
Domain Name Change – $100
Site Re-Brand – $100 - $200
Change Logo (on header and CTA's) & Colors.
Change Font: $100
301 Redirects: Subject to Data Entry labor rate (above)
Additional Form – $50
Website reactivation – starts at $125/hr, depending on the website can be up to $500
Usually 24hrs depending on the website.
Priority Fee — $200-$500
For any immediately required work outside of the selected package, including but not limited to custom "under construction" page, prioritized queue etc.
Cloudflare API Token setup - $100
You can click the following to visit these add-on pages to view costs and for more information
CRM Integration (Note: We have a built-in integration with LionDesk, FollowupBoss, Top Producer, and many more. These integrations are offered for free. For installation guidance, click on the link)