Don't know how to get a blog post started? Add value to your site with piggyback trending topics on the web.
Blog Assist is a feature we've added to our Agentfire sites that's there to help you find articles that you can essentially re-blog with your own unique content.
The model is similar to and, where a lot of the articles published on these sites are actually summaries of articles or posts elsewhere, where a writer writes a summary, description, or opinion of the piece and then links back to the original article in question.
So with our blog assist, you can add Feeds, to your website similar to a Feed reader. Examples of feeds would include New York Times Real Estate, Inman Real Estate, Home and Garden TV's blog, etc. As long as the site has an RSS feed, which most news / blog sites do, we can take that feed, and feed it into your back-end.

In your admin dashboard, head over to: Blogging
Navigate to Blog Assist
This will open up the window with the existing connected feeds, and as well the ability to add new ones.
All you need to do is to give your feed a name, paste the URL of the Feed and press "Add Feed".
How to use Blog Assist

Once you've purchased our Blog Assist Pro, you can navigate to Blogging> Blog Assist to publish the desired articles by clicking on Create Article:

Feed Sources
If you decide you want to blog about a particular article, go ahead and click Blog About This next to the article

This will create a new post, with the attribution to the original article at the bottom of the visual editor.
Above the attribution, you should write your own title, unique description, summary, or opinion of the article.
As always, don't forget to categorize your post and set a featured image!