The Lead Manager in your dashboard is the main place you can find your lead's profile and access your Property Alert settings for the lead. If you click on the advanced menu in the top left you can go to the Lead Manager section and click on View All Leads.
To create a lead profile click on the New Lead Button.
When you create the profile your clients will use their email as their username and their phone number (without dashes) as their password.
After creating the profile you will want to client the View Profile Button to open their profile.
Go to the Properties Tab on the top right to access the IDX saved search alert feature and to see any favorited properties.
Click on Add Custom Alert to set up a new search alert.
The name of the search is visible to the client so keep that in mind when you are creating the search. You can choose ASAP, Daily or Weekly. The set up for these alerts are different than how most MLS alerts work. It will not backfill all the available listings in the first email, it will just sed properties moving forward. The 1st property email is triggered when the next property fitting the criteria comes into the MLS.
You can choose to pull from a saved search that you previously created or customize the search for this alert.
Once you choose all the filters and settings that you want for this alert scroll to the bottom and click the button in the bottom right corner.
What does your Client's Dashboard look like?
When clients sign in to your website they will have their own dashboard.
In the History Tab they will see all the searches and properties saved to their account.
The My Listing tab is where all the favorited properties will be saved. Your clients can look at their past favorited properties in this section.
The My Searches tab they will see all saved searches you set up for them. Each saved search has 3 icons your clients can use to change or view the search.
Each saved search has 3 icons your clients can use to change or view the search.
If they click on the bell icon they can adjust the search criteria or deleted the search alert.
If they click on the arrow icon it will open a new tab with the filtered map search showing all the available properties fitting the criteria.
If they click on the trashcan icon it will delete the saved search and stop future email alerts for that particular saved search.
In their profile there is a spot they can message with their Assigned Agent. It also give an option to call the agent.