Easily choose where you want your Engage call to action displayed for end users on your website with our editable targeting options.
Select the CTA you'd like to adjust, Click Action dropdown and select Targets.
Add a new page target
Use the large blue plus button to select from the available taxonomies you can target.
Select from the dropdown of available taxonomies
Note: you may select groups, like all pages, or all posts, or select individual pages, individual posts or area guides etc. You may select multiple taxonomies with individual or group display.
Select the page(s) or post(s) you want this displayed on:
To remove a Target, simply click on the delete button highlighted in the image below:
You can also choose the Target from the Editor. Head over to the Target Tab, and there you will have different page taxonomies you can target, like posts, pages, AF Area Guides, etc.
As you click on one of the fields, the published pages will appear in a dropdown. You can choose individual targets, or for example All Posts.